SCHEDULING YOUR PROJECT: Simple tools for step by step success

How to start, where to begin?

Well, simple tools such as your calendar, sticky notes, and a bit of brainstorming can alleviate your panic.

Image depicting empowering productivity: A well-organized calendar, showcasing a roadmap for success and efficient time management. #Productivity #TimeManagement

First, clearly state your goal: the room or area being organized, the start and end date, and the project's inspiration. Next, envision how you’d like the room to look or function after the project and brainstorm the process. You may need helpers, and you may need to donate large amounts of belongings or need a dumpster. For each potential obstacle, plan and allow room for error. Call friends beforehand, add their availability to your calendar, set specific days you would like to drive donations to your local donations center, and call a waste company to rent and deliver a dumpster or do a pickup. Paperwork projects are a whole different blog discussion. Read that here.

It is important to anticipate the many aspects of a project, so there is less stress later. For example, if, along the way, you find your Aunt Sally’s luggage, make sure to contact her and transfer to luggage to her quickly. If you discover a broken pipe or disconnected circuit, make sure you call and schedule a plumber or electrician. No matter what obstacle presents itself, don’t lose steam and stay on track.

If an electronic or paper calendar is not your forte, use sticky notes on the refrigerator or bathroom mirror. We love these note pads with lines and grids. Write down the most important dates and reminders, as well as your anticipated end date.

Finally, if you have several projects that need your attention, choose the most urgent problem. This can work for household projects as well, such as a messy house. First, start with the dishes, then onto the laundry, next to the vacuuming, and finally, your bedroom. If that order doesn’t suit you, assess each room's importance and schedule accordingly, leaving ample time for each project.

No matter the scale of the project, break each into a beginning, middle, and end. Don’t forget to schedule time for clean up; use your calendar for every task you anticipate and allow time for obstacles and breathe.

You can do this!

If you need help brainstorming, planning or implementing, REACH OUT to us!


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