DONATIONS, DONATIONS, DONATIONS: Tips and tricks to declutter

Too much stuff and don't know where to start?

It’s your t-shirts from the ’90s, the doilies from your great aunt, and the plethora of free totes you got from Clinique. Maybe you’re moving, buying new clothes, or reorganizing your room and have discovered mounds of belongings you no longer need. Well, Organize Your Life has a few tips and tricks to get your home decluttered.

box full of donations of clothing getting rid of unwanted items a donation box is a tool recommended by organize your life llc.png

One of the first things we set up with our clients is a donations basket.

This basket, box, or bag, labeled “Donations,” is essential for our clients to purge their unnecessary belongings. After working with our clients to complete a project, we may take their donations to a local donations center, such as Salvation Army, AMVETS, or the local school. However, most of our clients complete this task on their own, especially in between visits.

After OYL has finished a project, a family or individual must have a specific location set for donations to purge unused items continually. I use a designated shelf in the pantry in my own home to keep my re-giftable items and donations. Each family member can put their items in the donation area without leaving them on countertops or the kitchen table. Continual purging keeps the home from collecting unneeded items and allows for frequent donations to those in need. Using even a simple laundry basket with a lid, marked “Donations”, seems to help our clients to stay decluttered. Once the box or basket is full, it should immediately be moved into the vehicle to drop at the nearest donation center, or the family member in charge of household donations can call for a pickup.

Ridding your home of clutter is one of the most important aspects of organizing your life, and donating that extra clutter to those needs a just the cherry on top!

Feel free to reach out to us to set up a Goal Setting Session!


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